Truth On Bible
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Welcome to the Christian Clearing House. As those who once stood for the Faith die, change, fall, or otherwise misrepresent Christianity, we at Truth On Bible seek to preserve the Old Time Faith that was once delivered to the saints by Christ by looking at World Events through the lens of the Bible.
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How to Beat Depression!

I was shocked by how many of my colleagues and how many of my former students battle with depression on a daily basis. Here is what I believe God says about it. "This charge to you I give!"

How to Beat Depression!
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Your Path to Riches!
The Chrisitan's Respnsibility to Government

What Makes Good Government? Part 6. Many are commenting on how to fix our problems in America. Very few are actually giving solutions to the problems that actually work.

We are Fighting the Wrong King

I go again where others fear to tread. At the end of this message, I have a special announcement just for my Baptist friends.

Lack of the Spirit of God

It is rare nowadays to meet with a pastor, minster, teacher, Christian, or church that has Holy Spirit fullness. I will tell you why.

Lack of the Spirit of God
Yea, He is Altogether Lovely!

Some sermons you just have to preach. I could not, not preach this one. I hope I was filled with the Spirit as I preached it, and I hope you will be filled with the Spirit as you listen to it!

Yea, He is Altogether Lovely!
How to Double Your Money Today!

This is it! Some of you were wondering when I was going to start teaching about making money. I cannot release these all at once yet. SOME OF YOU ARE NOT READY FOR THIS! Some of you won't be able to handle what I am about to say, but just a few of you, hopefully everyone in my inner Master Class Circle, will be able to take this and run with we go!

Don't say that I didn't warn you...

How to Double Your Money Today!
Money Poll

Are you interested in TruthonBible helping you make extra money with financial investments?

I Like ANF Here

All my stock market plays are long term. They may take a month or more to perform. Buy shares of #ANF at the market today. Place a 25% stop. Did you hear about #NVDA? It was a dud this time, but we still made money in a variant play. It is a very advanced play and requires understanding more of the markets. Vote on my money poll if you want me to start teaching you how to read the markets and make these advanced plays.


It looks like some corporate insiders are buying this stock, so we want to join them just in case they know something we don't. It was a $32 stock last year and it is now $12. So, this is a great chance to get in on the bottom floor. So, SELL #LEG at $13.56 early, for 10%. I don't like how it is acting. There are better stocks to play.

I will keep part of this in my private account to lock in higher gains, but I will no longer be following this for Truth on Bible. Now that we hit a profit target, I put a trading lock on this stock, and I can no longer lose. A big reason why trading stocks with me is not like gambling or Las Vegas.

IF you want to learn trading than follow me on the Think or Swim platform with Paper Money. BUT you can also just go into your brokerage account and buy what I buy and sell what I sell, and you will get my exact returns. That may be easier for you than to have me teach you how to trade with stock charts. (Those of you that follow me out there know who I am ...

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